Addict kite available again!

We are proud to reopen as a web archive with the support of the Addict kite team!

The Addict kite team had successfully hosted this web magazine from 2016 to September 2020. This magazine contained news, interviews, reports, advice, tests, … on the whole kite universe. We could even watch live videos from the festivals!

We’re restoring as much of this precious resource as we can. This restoration has already taken us dozens of hours of work, but that’s nothing compared to the incredible work done by the Addict kite team. They produced over 500 articles!

At present, only the “News” and “Getting started” sections are available. That’s already 149 articles! We’ll be adding the following sections as the weeks go by.


Surprise in the making

We’ve been working on a big project for some time now: the republication of a long-loved French kite website! We’ll keep you posted on this surprise.

Revolution techniques

This time, we’ve translated the Revolution flying techniques designed by Joe Hadzicki, one of the inventors of Revolution kites. In a way, these techniques are the ancestor of Club38. They are progressive to facilitate learning. You can download them in English, French and Spanish.

Discover Revolution flying techniques

Technical maintenance & future publications

Over the last few weeks, we’ve been doing a lot of invisible work on the website: version upgrades, simplifications and translation tests with Google Traduction and DeepL.

Google Traduction translates our site automatically and approximately on every visit. We hope soon to publish in 2 versions: French and English, this time with correct translations.

We also plan to publish indoor kite plans and new team maneuvers soon!

In the meantime, we invite you to discover

Another tutorial for building a quad line kite

We’ve just added a tutorial for building a Revolution kite.

Guardian, a French kiteflier, tells us about his first building and learning experience. His story is illustrated, concise and very clear.

Building your first quad line kite by Guardian

We’ve also added some gear for 3D printing, in particular a winder that mounts on the handles and connectors.

Enjoy your reading!

Building a freestyle dual line kite

This time, we’re proud to offer you a complete guide to building a freestyle dual line kite!

After more than 10 years of existence, “Tom’s Kite Building Site” remains for us THE reference site to learn how to build a dual line kite. The content is precise, illustrated, rich and available in several languages. We’ve just translated the entire website into French. The English version is also available and updated.

Building a freestyle dual line kite

Happy reading and happy building!

Thank you!

Every day, more and more of you are discovering the website and coming back. This surprises us, as we communicate very little on social networks. Thank you for your interest!

We’d like to take this opportunity to thank once again all the kitefliers who put their trust in us and allow us to share their content. Thanks also to all the kitefliers who share their feedbacks with us.

Last but not least, our warmest thanks go to François, Oliver, Marco, Michel and Frédéric for their donations to support the costs of the website. is free and our activities are voluntary. However, every month we incur hosting costs to keep the site online. So if you appreciate our content, please consider supporting us: contribute to the hosting costs and spread the word about!

The Jst-4-Fn standard in French!

This time, we’ve translated the Jst-4-Fn standard into French.

This standard gives you the basics for starting out in team flying, whatever your level of piloting and wherever you are in the world! With these basics, you can join an improvised team, start simple tricks and progress to more advanced and fun tricks!

You can download this standard in PDF format in the Team flying basics section. Happy reading!