QuadKites.org is a free website and our activities are voluntary and non-profit. We’re looking for financial support support to finance the hosting costs of the website.
Make a donation
Our web host charges us a fee every month to keep QuadKites.org online. Today, we finance these costs from our personal budgets. If you appreciate our content, we invite you to donate via Paypal in order to keep QuadKites.org online. Donations will be used exclusively to cover these monthly costs.
Spread the word
- Like our Facebook page
- Share QuadKites.org and its contents on social networks
- Spread the word
Share your experiences
- Discuss your impressions, suggestions and desires
- Tell us about your current or previous kite-flying difficulties
- Tell us what individual, team and megateam tricks you know, so that we can add to our future gallery of tricks.
Contribute to the site’s content
- Send us your photos to illustrate the site
- Let’s discuss your ideas and new content
- Propose yourself as a contributor, translator or proofreader