QuadKites.org is a sharing space dedicated to quad line kites. It’s free and our activities are voluntary.
It’s open to contributions and non-profit-making. We want it to be complementary to existing initiatives, and in partnership where possible. We hope to promote our sport and encourage local business. Finally, we are improving our content as we learn from kite flyers.
Our contributors are kite enthusiasts.
Our mission
We hope to promote the sport kiting, accelerate the sharing of knowledge, help our community grow and encourage new developments around 3 themes:
- Individual, team and megateam flying
- Building or choosing kites and gear
- Sharing our experience
In practical terms, we want to pass on our knowledge and make existing content more accessible: tutorials, feedback, debates… Kite flyers have been sharing their knowledge for over 30 years in clubs, on forums and more recently on social networks. We intend to reference existing resources, summarize them, and translate them if they don’t exist in French to facilitate access. Here are a few of our success stories:
- The return of Addict kite le mag as an archive
- Documentation and translation of over 100 team maneuvers
- Publication of quad line construction tutorials by enthusiasts: Polo kites, Yves Ganne and Punk sportif
- The updating and translation of Tom kite building site, an excellent website for building a dual line kite.
We also plan to organize discussion groups, interviews and meetings to accelerate knowledge sharing, expand the kite community and promote new developments.
Who are we aimed at?
- People who want to discover quad line kites, progress and deepen their skills.
- Experienced kite flyers looking for inspiration, new ideas and encounters.
- DIY enthusiasts who want to build their own kites and gear, or build their own
- Anyone with a passion for kites, ready to share their experience.
What’s a quad line sport kite?
A “4-line kite” is a kite flown via 4 lines. They can be flown in all directions, can stop in mid-air, and can perform tricks, ballets and freestyle. They first appeared in the 1990s and have gained a huge following around the world. You can easily see them at festivals and competitions. They go by many names:
- In French: cerf-volant 4 lignes, révo, révolution
- In English: quad kites, quads, quad line kites, revs, rev-styles, revolutions, four line kites, four lines
- German: vierleiner stabdrachens, vierleiners
- Italian: aquilone a 4 cavi, rev
These 4-line kites may seem harder to fly than dual line kites. However, after a few hours, they’re great fun to fly, offering greater control and precision.
What about other types of kite?
We’re passionate about quad line kites, but not only! We also enjoy flying 2-line and monofilament kites.
We’ll be tackling cross-cutting subjects that also concern dual line kites and monofins. We’ll also digress to talk about other types of kite.
Support us and let’s talk!
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