Want to learn to fly quad line kites? Good news! We’ve put together a number of learning courses that may be of use to you!
For each course, we’ve put together a presentation, our opinions and the associated content: videos and documents!
KiteLife progression path
KiteLife’s quad line tutorials are the most recognized in the quad line community! The author, John Barresi, offers a complete course and explanation from the basics to an advanced level of quad line kite flying.
See KiteLife’s quad line tutorials
The 187 Fly 4 Fun videos by Guido Maiocchi
Guido Maicchi, Italian kiteboarder and multiple champion, has produced 187 Fly 4 fun videos to explain each of his techniques.
Club 38 by Revolutions kites
Club 38 is a training course and community offered by Revolution Kites, the company that invented Revolutions. We invite you to discover Club 38, and if you like, to take a quick tour of the club’s course.
Rev clinics by the Iquad team
The Iquad team has run a number of rev clinics courses, i.e. courses to learn how to fly a quad line kite. We’ve taken a look at the topics covered and the schedule for these events!
Discover rev clinics animated by the Iquad team
Revolution techniques by Joe Hadzicki
Joe Hadzicki, the inventor of the Revolutions, offers 19 flying techniques in the form of progressive exercises for learning and progressing. These techniques were the benchmark for many years before the launch of Club 38. The techniques are available in English, French and Spanish.
Revolution 1.5 beginner’s guide by Punk Sportif
A kiteflier named “Punk Sportif” provides a step-by-step guide to flying a Revolution 1.5.
See the Revolution 1.5 beginner’s guide
The first steps by Lyze Kiel
Lyze Kiel takes us through the first steps of Revolution kite flying in French: assembly, disassembly, first notions of flight and a few flight demonstrations.
Watch Lyze Kiel’s first steps in Revolution kites
QuadKites.org progression course
We’re gradually building up a progress trail organized by theme. It features our favorite videos from KiteLife, KiteJust4Fun, Now’Air and more:
The various courses
We hope to introduce you to other courses in the near future. If you can’t wait, you can already check them out:
- The quad line progression course by KiteJust4Fun
- Kite tutorials by Aerialis kites
- Tips by Aerialis kites
- Miscellaneous tutorials by Revolution kites
Manuals to read
We also suggest you read several reference manuals:
- Le cerf-volant acrobatique – La synthèse, by Philippe78, in French
- Flying the rev and how to do it, by Bill and Kim Taylor, in English
- Kite notes, by Peter Massey, in English
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